Adding your EPUB to Kindle

Amazon and Kindle are super convenient, but they don't always treat authors very well, which is why more and more authors are selling their books directly to their readers. In this short tutorial, I'm going to walk you through how you can still read my stories on your Kindle, even if you bought the book directly from me. Epub is the most common for...

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Why Self-Publishing?

My current plan is to self-publish. But why?Doesn't self-publishing have a reputation for being full of trash traditional publishers wouldn't consider or books that need editing so badly that they could make you cry?It did. But it's becoming less and less the case as authors learn how to do the job that traditional publishers do to produce a work o...

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Recent Blog

12 October 2024
Amazon and Kindle are super convenient, but they don't always treat authors very well, which is why more and more authors are selling their books directly to their readers. In this short tutorial, I'm going to walk you through how you can still read ...

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